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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sold (Keeping her in the dark #1)

The first few pages of this book had me worried I mean a 22 year old virgin?

As the story progresses Norah's reasons for remaining untouched are brought to light, making her v-card status understandable. Don't worry Norah will grow on you or you will want to slap her, possibly both.

Moving on it gets even better-Liam has been a Dom for 8 years, his wants and desires have become increasingly darker(i think as we do not get any details on the matter). Wanting to take things a step further he goes to an auction to find a slave. Hold on to your hats folks, Liam does not realize his friend Will has taken him to a real life slave auction. You know where the girls have been kidnapped. At one point he wonders to himself if the money goes to charity.

So after paying 1.5 million for a slave he starts to ask questions like "Why does her file say can be difficult at times?" and "taken from..." hmm might not be the brightest crayon in the box there Liam.
Fast-forward a bit Liam is now concerned with saving his own ass, he did buy a woman illegally. He decides to keep her while he figures things out.

Around page 42 things start to get good, I love this part "Please, I can't see anything. I hate not knowing where I am. I feel like I'm not in control." He leaned in close to her. "You're not," he breathed in her ear."
Liam decides that while Sarah is with him and he is working out what to do with her that she might as well be treated  like his slave. From there he quickly realizes that he has feelings for her and does not like to hurt her.

Ok here is where the book really frustrates me, Liam is supposed to be this Dom who is all into the "Dark side of BDSM" then this girl comes into his life and "poof" no more need for BDSM other than needing respect from her. He does not want her to kneel, no kinky sex, no flogger, whips or chains. Other than being a controlling asshat Liam shows no interest or need in being a Dom or BDSM in general.

Even with all the stuff that made me crazy and fear for my kindles life(the urge to throw was strong) there was still an underlying something that kept me reading. I just wish I could figure out what that was.
Liam's friend Will also purchased a slave at the auction, Jane. I want to read more about their story as Jane makes the comment "He takes what he wants, when he wants" Now that sounds more like my kind of dark non-con kinda read.

This book could use a good editor there are multiple errors that are slightly distracting from the story. Overall if you can get past spotty editing, a wishy-washy main man and a virginal 'slave' with a temper not a bad read.
I wanted to like this book, I wanted to love this book, but it left me luke warm and desperate to smack some sense into Liam.
Reading this book is like taking a hot shower and having someone repeatedly flush the toilet on you.
Its hot and steamy then *bam* you are slapped in the face with ice cold water...the heat starts to come back, the pressure is returning and the next thing you know there is a trickle of ice water running down your back. Without warning that icy trickle turns to a screaming jet of boiling hot water only to cool mid-stream seconds later.
Having said all that as I finished the final page of the book my curiosity is peaked on what will happen in the second book. I am still unsure if on if I liked this book or not...

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