
Welcome to the Asylum where all things written are celebrated. What is better than a book? A book with wine!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Life and a lack of reading

Hello friends I know its been ages between visits but life has conspired against me. Add into the mix my string of bad luck in the book department and well I just need August to get here so I can sit down with Pepper Winters next book The fourth debt in the Indebted Series. OMG if you have not tried Ms. Winters or even if you have and did not fall in love(I am talking to you Monsters in the dark) please give her a chance, or a second chance. Grab yourself the first book Indebted from Amazon its free!
I can not say enough good things about this series. If you are a fan of the dark and twisty variety you will fall in love with Jet and Nila. There are still so many questions and theories swirling through my mind as I most impatiently await the release of the Fourth Debt. Each book leaves you on a cliff hanger, this will have you racing off to purchase the next book. There are two more books in the series set to release in August and then the final book sometime before the end of the year. Just be warned you will devour these books and then be left to suffer with the rest of us until August. Its a good kinda hurt, I promise.

I have a few reviews to post later today but sadly they are not the glowing, gushing variety but rather me banging my head off the wall wondering how in the world some of them managed to be published. On the up side I have a couple of really tasty recipes to share that helped comfort me  through the great book drought of late.

Now that life has settled back into some warped version of normal I will be more consistent with my posts and with any luck the next book I read will blow me away and I can race on over here to share it with you!

Stand by for some tasty treats.